Monday, April 9, 2012

Confidence Check: Realizing The Reflection is Beautiful

Psalm 139:14
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.

Weavy Wonder....

The list can go on and on and on and on and on and.... YOU GET MY POINT...

However what we need to realize is that all of these words are synonymous with one word: BEAUTIFUL...

For years, and sometimes still, I struggled with accepting what I see in the mirror as beautiful. I catch myself saying things like, "Woo girl! Who beat you with the ugly stick?" Or, " Another sandwich and you'll outgrow this mirror!" ( DON'T JUDGE ME!!!) However, as a daughter of the King, I have to remind myself who I am, and most importantly WHOSE I am.

The Bible says that we are ALL fearfully and wonderfully made!!! The beauty we see in the mirror is more than accurate. We need to learn to see what He sees.

In the text, the word 'fearfully' means: with great reverence and heart-felt interest and respect. The word 'wonderfully' means: unique, set apart, and marvelous. POW! Not only were you just created, but you were thought about, loved, and revered!!? He realized the great love and concern that went into His unique and very individual creation. According to this Scripture, you are truly are a Piece of Work!!! You are Sumthin Else!!

So the next time you stare at those pretty eyes in that mirror, realize that God doesn't make mistakes, and the reflection is accurate!!! You are, indeed, fearfully and wonderfully made!!!!

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